How Do You Know When To Start Training Your Puppy? If you’ve been going back and forth on when to start training your puppy, then chances are it’s time. Although there is no perfect time, you can start to train your puppy at a very young age. In fact, puppies are already in training, starting …
The Dog days of summer are here and as the weather gets hotter and we get back outside it’s important that we keep our fur buddies in mind. Summer is the time to have outdoor fun with our dogs. Longer walks in the park, ambitious hikes, beach days, or family travel. Hot weather can make …
Spring is here, and you can tell the season has arrived by how excited your dog gets every time you go outside. From sniffing out those bunny tracks to exploring the blooming flowerbeds, there is always some type of adventure to enjoy for a puppy in the springtime. With the warm air’s arrival, it is …
Did you recently add a new fur friend and are ready to start training your dog? Proper training and socialization are among your dog’s basic needs. It’s important to start training your dog as soon as possible to prevent the formation of bad habits. At first, dog training can seem pretty overwhelming, especially if this …